My Life’s A Zoo

Every once in awhile I sit back and marvel at what my life has become. Just a few short years ago I was busy bustling away as a professional woman…dealing with rush hour traffic, cranky customers, lazy co-workers and trying to find time to “find myself”. Fast forward and here I am a completely different woman…well on the outside at least πŸ˜‰ I’m now a stay at home Mom with two beautiful little girls and a passion for cookies. While the two lives sound vastly different, they really have many many similarities. While I used to work in a zoo…I now draw zoo characters for my almost 2 year old to test her “Mooooo’ing” abilities πŸ™‚ I wouldn’t trade it for the world!!

One of the blogs I stalk, LilaLoa, announced they were having a cookie design contest. I immediately saw my zoo animals and thought “Hey, why not!”. The design contest required that all entries use a certain cookie cutter (which I didn’t have so I used a homemade stencil) and the more creative the better. [Here are the official rules]

What started out like this (pay no attention to my daughter’s scribbles hehe):

Was mixed with 9 different colors of icing:

And turned into this:

I have to say I’d kiss any one of them πŸ™‚ Hope you like them. If you do…visit LilaLoa and vote for me!

Happy 1 Year Blogaversary Carrie!

I couldn’t realize how many cool people I would meet through this blog. And when I say “meet” I mean virtually πŸ™‚ One of my fellow cake/cookiers, Carrie, mentioned about a month or so ago that she had been blogging for about a year and that her “blogaversary” was coming up. Having only been blogging since the beginning of the year I can attest this is a very special accomplishment!

I want to congratulate her in proper cake style πŸ™‚ When I saw this cake from My Cake School, I knew instantly it was the one I wanted to make for her.

Happy Birthday/Anniversary Carrie’s Creations!! I know it’s not until April 9th, but I couldn’t wait to say “WAY TO GO!!” I can’t wait to see what creations you have for the 2nd year πŸ™‚

If you haven’t checked out her site before, please stop by…she’s very creative and has some really cute cookies that she’s shown off in various posts πŸ™‚

Chocolate Love

One of my very talented cake friends was asking me about cookies the other day and I dumbfoundedly realized I didn’t have a chocolate cookie recipe. Yes, I realize dumbfoundedly is not a real word but I am choosing to use it because that’s just how shocked I was when I realized I hadn’t taken the time to taste test different recipes. Chocolate recipes none the less!

So…I decided it couldn’t wait. The next day I baked up a big batch of LilaLoa’s “The End-All for Chocolate Cookies” recipe. I mean have you seen her cookies? Anything that pretty has to taste scrumptious! Check out her site!

I decided the occasion would be the first book club my friends and I started. Hearts had nothing to do with the book itself (Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay) but it’s Valentine’s week and I gotta say, I love my friends πŸ™‚ They deserve a little spoiling!

So mixed up some pink and red (well I failed again at making red but the color that turned out was pretty cool so I went with it) and went to town.

I have to say…chocolate cookies with royal icing…TO DIE FOR. Still shaking my head that I hadn’t come to this realization sooner. Ok…I’m over it. On to another cookie πŸ™‚

100 Hits

Until now, I have only told 5 people about this blog. My parents, my husband, my mother-in-law and one of my good friends. It wasn’t that I was ashamed of what I was making, but I knew I had a LOT of room for improvement. This morning I received a comment from a complete stranger saying how she thought my latest cake was sweet…made me feel like a hundred bucks! It was just the boost of confidence I needed.Β Thank you A Kitty and Her Cakes!

I told myself when I started a couple weeks ago that I would post it to FB and let the world know what I was up to as soon as I got 100 hits. Well folks…I’m there! I’m proud to unveil my new blog about cake, cookie and cupcake decorating and my journey through unchartered territory as I teach myself how to do it all πŸ™‚ Β If you’re looking for perfect sweets…ya ain’t gonna get it here! But if you’re looking for a little humor and some tipping, dripping and ripping desserts…this blog is your cup of tea! Hope you enjoy!

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