Reality Rose

Alright kids, think back to the early 90’s. Back when a new form of tv hit the waves…they called it…Reality TV. Real World was a wicked crazy hit! Real people living real life drama and heart ache in front of national television. Fascinating!

Fast forward 20 years and now Reality TV is on every channel…no matter what time of day it is it’s a sure bet some reality show is on. I’m not into it as much as I was when it was “real” but there are a few shows I still watch for pure entertainment. One of them…The Bachelor. I know, I know…it’s all made up and the women really aren’t all there for the right reason, but I can’t help but love the cattiness 🙂

Tomorrow is the finale. Where Ben picks the woman of his dreams. Well he’s supposed to but spoilers say he picks the skinny dipping woo-haaa. Still…wouldn’t miss it for the world 🙂 My friends and I are getting together to bitch through the 2 hour finale and I decided to bring treats for our party…




Rose Addiction

OK I know some of you saw this post title and thought “Seriously? More roses? Enough already!” I have been on a rose kick lately, but hey this is a little different. Just wanted to show my girlfriends what arrived in the mail yesterday. Do I hear final rose ceremony cookies??? Ohhhh yeah!

Petal Power

Monday nights…Bachelor and cake decorating class. Oh and a glass of wine, after class of course! I suggest this for anyone who gets the Monday blues…sure makes my Mondays super!

Last night we learned to make flowers using royal icing. Very different than the royal icing I use for cookies. Used the Wilton recipe which, seemed very airy but made pretty flowers. I’m thinking in the future I’ll add some cornstarch to thicken up the icing before piping any flowers. Learned this tip when my roses were having impotence issues 😉

For color inspiration, I used the beautiful flowers a good friend sent me as a thank you for making her baby shower favors. I was going for a light pink and a nice girlie pink but wound up with a purpleish pink and a hot pink. Guess the teacher was right…colors will brighten up when left over night! Need to take this into consideration next time I make up icing!

We learned the Wilton Rose, apple blossoms and the primrose. I’m picturing some of these on my final cake 🙂

Wilton Rose


Apple Blossoms


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