Fondant Fun

Tonight was the fourth class of the third Wilton cake decorating course. It was all about Gum Paste and Fondant. I had such a good time in the class, but I have to say I was WAY outta my comfort zone!! I don’t think we used a piping bag the entire month. And there wasn’t a single dollop of royal icing. Yowsers! But we made some beautiful flowers. Stuff that looks great…but to be honest doesn’t taste good at all. I know there are people that love to eat fondant, but I’m just not one of them. The flowers may look cleaner made in fondant, but I’ll take a buttercream or royal icing rose any day πŸ˜‰

I thought I would showcase our final cakes. There were two other people in the class with me and their cakes turned out fantastic! One is a 13 year old girl and she did such a good job. She LOVES color that’s for sure πŸ˜‰

And here’s my cake…

I’m unfortunately not going to be taking the fourth and final course at this time. Just too busy making cookies. This Wilton ride has been a fun and a wild one. Highly recommend it to anyone who wants to dabble in the arts and get out of the house for some “me” time.


For those of you who don’t know, I am now on Facebook! Social Media is all the craze right. So I started a page for people to see my creations and to know what I’m up to. Hope you can check me out and “like” me! After all, we all like to be liked πŸ™‚


70th Birthday

Wow…I feel like I’ve been gone forever! But in reality, it’s only been a week and I know exactly where I’ve been…in my kitchen. While delivering the #1 cookies last Saturday I took another order for tomorrow. An order for 5 dozen favor bags with two cookies each. I’m one of those people that need a calculator so let me help you out…that’s 120 cookies. 120 COOKIES! Sweet order!

So Sunday I decided to spend with my family and then went full board with the cookie stuff starting last Monday. Baked Monday and Tuesday, decorated Wednesday and Thursday and on the 5th night, tonight, I rested (ok bad joke, but I did in fact rest). I do have to say that having Jack Johnson sing about banana pancakes helped on those late nights when all I wanted to do was crawl into bed πŸ˜‰

The order is for a woman who is throwing a surprise birthday party for her Mom who is turning 70. She wanted something simple and elegant that matched the beautiful invitations that were sent out. I love teal in icing! It looks amazing against the white sugar cookie. Β All I have to say is I better get something like this when I turn 70 πŸ™‚

Birthday Favors

I am thrilled to have been asked to create cookies for a friend and wanted to share the pictures πŸ™‚ Her twins, one boy and one girl, just recently turned the big 1 year old!! They are having a family Birthday party this weekend and she asked me to create some favors. Another friend is making pink and blue #1 cupcakes so I decided to follow suit…perfect theme for a 1st Birthday if you ask me :)) Hope they enjoy them as much as I had making them!

Hong Kong Fruit

Lookie what I got this week!! My first international purchase for cookie cutters! I have been having the hardest time finding the right cutters. I search high and low and apparently even eBay πŸ˜‰ After weeks of searching and coming up short, I finally found the best little fruit cutters and incredibly they were the size I needed! The only problem was the seller was in Hong Kong and shipping could take weeks.

Luckily, they came this week because I have special plans for these little cuties! A special little boy is turning 1 in a few weeks and his friend the Very Hungary Caterpillar is looking for his favorite fruit…

Stay tuned!

Lucky Ladies

Picked up a cute little shamrock cutter this past week and immediately thought it would be perfect for the sweepstakes winners! It’s so fun and appropriate since good ol’ St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner. Need to make my deliveries now to the lucky ladies…get it? Lucky. Lucky as in gold. Gold as in gold at the end of the rainbow. It might be deep but there’s a connection there somewhere πŸ˜‰

My New Favorite Accessory

I have found my new favorite accessory. I’m usually not the type to go out and buy everything Wilton makes, but on a whim and a suggestion from my cake decorating instructor, I decided to throw a bag of these in my cart last time I was at Michael’s.

And boy am I glad I did! They are amazing!!


Before this week, I would wind rubber bands around the end of my bags, which was a huge pain when I had to A) put the band on B) move the band down as the icing was used and C) remove the band at the end of the day. These little guys are sooo easy to put on and take off. Just wrap the band around once and stick one end through the other. Presto…bag sealed and tight! And the best part? As the icing is used you just push the band down and it stays tight. No need to remove the band!




Reality Rose

Alright kids, think back to the early 90’s. Back when a new form of tv hit the waves…they called it…Reality TV. Real World was a wicked crazy hit! Real people living real life drama and heart ache in front of national television. Fascinating!

Fast forward 20 years and now Reality TV is on every channel…no matter what time of day it is it’s a sure bet some reality show is on. I’m not into it as much as I was when it was “real” but there are a few shows I still watch for pure entertainment. One of them…The Bachelor. I know, I know…it’s all made up and the women really aren’t all there for the right reason, but I can’t help but love the cattiness πŸ™‚

Tomorrow is the finale. Where Ben picks the woman of his dreams. Well he’s supposed to but spoilers say he picks the skinny dipping woo-haaa. Still…wouldn’t miss it for the world πŸ™‚ My friends and I are getting together to bitch through the 2 hour finale and I decided to bring treats for our party…




Royal Cookie Sweepstakes Winner!

Drumroll please….

The winner of the first Royal Cookie Sweepstakes is…


Why did the Roman chicken cross the road?

She was afraid someone would Caesar!



Why did the rubber chicken cross the road?
She wanted to stretch her legs.

Yep…I read all the jokes to my hubby last night and he literally could not narrow it down to one, so you both win some yumminess πŸ™‚

Congratulations ladies! I’ll be working on your cookies this weekend πŸ™‚

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